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Celestial Sisters : A Retreat for Sisters, Mothers & Daughters : Oct 25-27, 2019

Updated: Oct 19, 2019

Calling all sisters, mothers, and daughters! Celestial Sisters is a weekend retreat for women of all ages, all races, and all stages of life. Bring your daughter, come along with your sister, or arrive alone and find your sisters here!

Gather together with other women to celebrate yourself and each other. Enjoy a weekend at our beautiful High Desert Retreat Center just one hour East of San Diego, create meaningful connections with other women, and learn fun new skills!

This retreat is available to girls and women of all ages and we encourage you to consider coming with a girl or woman in your family. ♥

Retreat Package Includes :

Lodging Healthy organic meals Free time to walk the land, soak in the hot tub and relax Yoga and Meditation classes Healing Sound Bath Nature Walk Art Therapy and more!

Oct 25-27, 2018

Price Options :

$375 Private Room SOLD OUT $325 Dormitory $315 Camping

We have a limited number of Private Rooms available. Each room has a Queen or King Size bed and all bedding is provided for your comfort. Ticket costs are per person so if you are sharing a private room with another woman you must purchase individual tickets.


Friday, Oct 25, 2019 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Arrive and Settle In 6:00 PM - Opening Circle and Orientation 7:00 PM - Dinner 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM - Evening Session

Saturday, Oct 26, 2019 8:30 AM - Morning Practice 9:00 AM - Breakfast 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM - Art as Medicine with Elizabeth Jacobowitz 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM - Lunch & Break 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM - Temple with Katie Dove 6:00 PM - Dinner 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Evening Session

Sunday, Oct 27, 2019 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Kundalini Yoga with Sophia Argabright 9:00 AM - Breakfast 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM - Session with Mara Harris 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Voice, Sound & Song with Megan Layne 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Seva

1:30 PM - Lunch 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM - Closing Circle

Our Team :

✨Rachel Dragon ✨

Rachel is the Director and Registrar at Liberty Arising Healing & Retreat Center where she currently resides as a full time resident. She will be offering a variety of practices and teachings throughout the weekend retreat.

Moving with Rachel is an exploration in self awareness, sensitivity, and expressive movement. Tune into your subtle energies and learn where your boundaries begin and end as you explore movement in your physical body. Find freedom in intuitive movement through structured exercises that establish trust and connection in a safe space.

💫 Internal Guidance with Sophia Argabright 💫

Sophia is a full time resident at Liberty Arising. She is trained in using her body as a vessel for healing energy to flow. She is certified in a number of modalities which will be offered throughout the week. She will be facilitating a class called Internal Guidance which is a unique combination of breathwork, oracle cards, our own internal wisdom and a talking circle.

⚡️Temple with Katie Dove ⚡️

In Temple, we meet in essence and come together to practice presence. We begin to develop a sensational relationship to nature and feel the Divine in everyday activities. Temple brings our bodies back to balance, increasing oxytocin and breaking the stress cycle. In sisterhood we dance, sing, chant, offer sacred touch and sit in silence with one another.

Katie Dove is an intuitive guide, healer, and teacher. She is a mystic and has been exploring esoteric teachings and mystery schools for over two decades. Katie’s gatherings and teaching consist of things she is fascinated by and often working on at the moment. They is a mixture of experiences she has collected over the years and things she has developed herself.

✨Ideal Woman Examined with Mara Harris ✨

This interactive group process will include open discourse and deep self-examination of womanhood. In real time, we will define this “womanhood” through individual, familial, cultural, and global impacts. This examination will run the gamut from our personal to community relationships with other women; we will pause to recognize the affect these women have had on our psyche and our individual expression. How have these impacts shaped our conscious/unconscious, internal-external expression of being woman? Together we will identify the influences, expectations, dictations, and yearnings that shape our set-up of the ideal woman.

MaraH facilitates self and community expansion by opening dialogue about spiritual-mental-physical health as it pertains to our womanhood/female-hood/personhood. In her own life, she continues to dive into the exploration of what it means deeply personally and socially to play with and maneuver through the parameters of the ideal of woman. MaraH writes: The ideal woman is not fixed, anchored or even innate, it never will be, and would be best created and understood in relationship to our own very very personal experience and in examination of the experience of others around us, culturally and globally. (read more on Mara's offering in the comments)

💫 Voice, Sound & Song with Meghan Layne 💫

We’ll be exploring the power of sound as we use vocal exercises to relax, release and strengthen energy within, as well as enjoy making music together. The voice and throat chakra are powerful energy centers within the body, ones that receive great benefit from accessing sound to awaken those areas. You will feel a sense of personal power, self-expression, and joyful resonance as we sound & sing together. No experience is necessary to participate in this workshop. The sound and voice exercises are great for all ages and musical levels! The songs will be easy to learn and perfectly tuned for this group setting.

Meghan Layne is a Life Coach, Women’s Sexuality Coach, singer, dancer, and hugger! She believes in the power of mindful actions, deliberate thinking, and intentional feeling to create a life worth living for. She helps women feel comfortable in their own skin, radiant in their bodies, and healthy, sacred and whole in their sexuality. She sings out of pure love for the music, dances out of pure joy, and hugs to simply spread the love.

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